For Members Only
Annual membership is only $20 a year or
$5 for people on a limited income.
Debate & Share Progressive Values
Discuss the issues you care about and help find solutions with a progressive vision. Fight for housing that everyone can afford, open-air drug laws, criminal justice reform, voter rights, gun safety, family law, mental health, and much more. Connect and get the latest political news from those who are connected.
Network, Meet and Mingle
Get to know your elected officials and feature speakers at the monthly meetings. Learn about campaign volunteer opportunities, opportunities to be a judicial delegate and/or county committee members, debate parties, EHCFGG's spring gala, and more. Join us as we petition to get candidates on the ballot or socialize after meetings.
Take Action, Make Change Happen
We know that electing the best candidate to office is a key motivator for our community and EHCFGG members. As part of the EHCFGG family of activists, you'll have the opportunity to initiate change that starts here in our local community. Whether you want to shed lights on a program with housing, open-air drug laws, mental health, voter registration, schools or underdevelopment, the time-tested organizing know-how of EHCFGG members can help you achieve your goals.